
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Husband used to call me lunatic! I used to find an opportunity to kill

Ubqari Magazine - Monthly Ubqari Magazine October 2020


Respectable Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! Assalamao alaikum! May Allah keep you and your generations in His safety. And bless with health and strength, and bless with safety. And my tasbeeh khana forever stays inhabited. Because of which the lives of crores of people is changing. And they are getting blessed, we are a part of that blessing. When I wrote you a letter last time, life was so difficult, all the doors seemed closed. We did not know how we will survive, just one thought used to cross my mind, that either I kill my husband or die myself, after meeting you, Alhamdulillah, my life became easier. Ubqari magazine comes every month, your given Wazifa (حسبنا اللہ و نعم الوکیل یا وارث یا نصیر) we recite, Allah has solved a lot of our problems. Before finding Ubqari, how difficult my life was, I would like to give you a glimpse of it. So hat the readers can get an idea that what a blessing tasbeeh khana is. And how it picks up lives from difficulties and puts it on the path of happiness.


My whole life was spent in the bog of bad deeds and the punishment for that was in life after marriage. The 26 years of life in the in laws was spent in grave torture, there was no time when us husband wife did not fight. All the time I used to be mentally and physically sick. I used to get fits. If I used to go to someone for Dam, I used to get a fit there. I used to be called a lunatic in my in laws. My husband used to call me the same. I used to be close to Allah, I used to offer prayers and tahajjud but not regularly. Some days, I used to worship properly, then I used to get sick again. I just know that if I got safe, it is only because of nearness to Allah. My son has pledged from you masha Allah, God forbid, I won’t lie, he is a friend of Allah. Prays five times, prays tahajjud, and he is that obedient of his parents that I pray Allah makes him Mustajab ud Dawaat. Whatever he prays for, may Allah accept it. It is all because of being connected to you, and listening to your lectures. Conditions were bad because of lockdown but because of your prayers, even this lockdown gave us a lot. My son got married to my sister’s daughter. My sister is poor like me, lives in a rented home. Fifteen of us went, got nikah done simply. And we did aftaari as valeema. Numerous miracles happened in these past two years that if I begin to write, I would write a book. Home, peace and tranquility has come, I have become peaceful mentally, the problems of sustenance solved, disputes from the house have ended, tasbeeh khana in reality has made my life peaceful. If my son had not come to tasbeeh khana, so by now I would have committed suicide, or (God forbid) I would have killed my husband.


Magic and demons ridden in three days! Happiness returned!

Believe it! A tried and tested act of a reciter, whoever he told this to, only in three days, magic and demons vanished. Don’t eat tortillas for three days, only eat the three fruits told. Believe it! Whoever did this, magic vanished! Demons vanished, disputes, quarrels vanished from the house, this special act, read in monthly Ubqari special number 2021! Make your fortune better!


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